Monday 6 January 2014

Theist - The Beginning

warning: Please don't read if you are happy being a theist ,This may shatter your belief in god.


 Let me start with the making of a theist : The idea of god is first introduced in the early childhood by the parents, right from the beginning the child starts observing elders and every now and then he sees them praying and sharing their happiness and sorrow with an  invisible being . This early stage is very crucial, though the memorizing capacity is not fully developed but the impact of the traces of these memory on the subconscious mind is very intense. In absence of prior knowledge and lack of reasoning power  this observation and the religious views told by the elders become the primary source of information for the child.Without checking the credibility of the information, the child starts believing them ,only because at such early age he lacks the reasoning ability  (also to analyse a subject one needs to have a bit prior knowledge of subject)  and so he decides to trust what their elders teach him.

       Later when he go to school he gets an environment where all his friends had gone through the same experience all of them believers and this like feeling towards god intensify their belief in god.And finally the impact of religious institutions and preachers Majority of these preachers and institutions are thugs and they promote religion on large scale just to multiply their money.With all the factors mentioned above, it becomes irresistible for a man to neglect theism and its just a matter of time that he start to follow the theism with all his heart.He makes special schedule for religious activities, like morning prayer, evening prayer, visit to temple ,church or mosque.he starts sharing things with god, he makes confession to god.he starts reading sacred books.

The more he follow it the more it makes an impression on his subconscious mind.Those who don't know about the power of subconscious mind just Google it and you can know about its potential .( I'll write about subconscious mind in my future posts).let me give you an example of how subconscious mind  works , anyone who is not living in dark age must have sent a text message from cell. At the very first time when you send message you have to give some effort to search for the  alphabets on the keypad, if you frequently send message for 2-3 weeks the gadget becomes familiar to you and you can search letters without great effort, and if you continue messaging for 2-3 months you become an expert , you don't even feel the need to look at the keypad while typing . This is exactly the case with a theist he keep on believing on the god from his early days and by the time he gains sufficient knowledge to analyse the truth ,he finds himself already  caught up in the trap of subconscious mind. 

If god is myth then why this belief is passed on from one generation to next generation .well, there are several reasons why it is important, i'm giving you the chief reason in this post ,i'll tell the other reasons in my future posts.

  • I think the foremost reason why this belief is passed on from one generation to another is to bring the concept of morality. Think for a second what will be the condition of this world if there is no judicial system , no police. yes ,that would be a nightmare to even imagine it, if that happens the powerful would keep on gaining more power and misuse powers on weak lings ,The big bullies without any hard work would just rob the riches and enjoy a luxurious life,no one would trust anyone on money issue , no more loans and borrowings so the economy would just collapse, a small issue or misunderstanding and to show his pride and dominance a strong guy would not hesitate to even kill other,no one could have material possession, there would be no security of future whatever you would have that would be in present and you wouldn't be able to claim that in future and finally there would be no safety for woman.

    Yes, exactly these are the problems that was in front of our ancestors and to tackle them they introduced the concept of religion ,the concept of god, the concept of morality ,the good, the bad , the sin. This was indeed a clever idea than introducing a judicial system , all  you have to do is to convince people that life is not the end of our journey and after death there are two alternatives first is heaven and the other hell.the heaven leads to happiness and hell to misery, but the trick is that they have to make their decision in this lifetime. then prepare two lists the first one containing list of good action and label it as "path to heaven" ,and the other containing list of bad action and label it as "path to hell", go out and preach them in masses.


    What if some one ask for the proof. For that i think initially the designers of this system had made some stories about their experience with the some invisible force which they named god, and since neither the experience can be proved nor does an invisible force can be seen so it was almost impossible for the rationalists to prove them wrong.Also after seeing the present statistics of religious people it is quite sure that whoever designed this system was very clever that even after more than 2 millennium the system is still in existence.These designers were also well aware of the basic science and with the help of this science they gained trust of the public, they made public demonstration of magic which was nothing but the trick of science the public started to believe these tricks as miracle and divine experience.and finally, to made religion an essential part of life they introduced the concept of devil, demons and witches etc.They told people that these creature can bring unimaginable misery in their life and the only way they can be protected is by surrendering themselves to god and follow a religious path.


     when our ancestors had designed this system that was the time in B.C and the population of the world was barely 50 million at that time, so even without using the electronic or mass media the message could be spread around the world in less than a century.

    Morality is not the only reason why religions are made.There are several other importance of religion which i 'll tell in my upcoming posts.

    I don't have any evidence to prove this but there is nothing irrational in what i had written.This is just a possibility but with a rational mind if you compare it with traditional belief there is more probability of the possibility of my theory than that of traditional belief. While writing this i have tried my best not to hurt the sentiments of the believer of religion or god.I'm agnostic and due to lack of evidence i'm turning into atheist but i had spent 70% of my lifetime being a theist i would be glad if someone give me strong reason to believe in god again .

    Please share your thoughts with everyone, the comment box is at the bottom of this page,  don't forget to give +1 on Google plus. Thank You!
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